Chicago Food – 10/24/2012 – Invite

Posted October 24th, 2012 by Chris

Hey kids,

In ancient times the native Chicagoans would hunt the elusive fresh water whale and slather themselves in layer after layer of blubber to ward off the ungodly cold we all eventually face. As time progressed and both the wheel and the warming pad were invented, we Chicagoans found a better way to deal with the winter. Instead, we spread layer after layer of human blubber between our skins and our guts by imbuing some of the tastiest and unhealthiest food on Earth. In order to prevent you all from suffering from hypothermia this winter, we at the cooking army vow to give you a good head start on this process. It will be the food we all know and love, but free and with significantly less hilarious accentage from the cooks.


When: This Wednesday, Rocktober 24th. Cooking starts at 6:30. Food by 7:45.
What: Homemade Eyetalian Beef, Polish Sassage, Pizzas of many varieties and maybe a couple, two-chree hotdogs.

I fear my beer cupboard is nearly bare. I’ll have to hunt down the alcoholic and overly-personified mice that have been filching from it. In the meantime, I suggest you bring whatever sort of liquid you like to imbue with sammiches and the like. Be there or be thin. It’s time to eat.


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