Archive for the ‘Cooking Army Events’ category

Hey Kids, It’s been a while since we last toiled in the kitchen for you all and I think it’s about time I gave myself something else to complain about. To that end, in honor of spring, and also in honor of other things that have no direct relation to this, we will be making […]

Much of the world cooks while barefoot, but there is only one barefoot contessa we look to for culinary advice. This week we will combine classy bacon, roasted vegetables, half and half and heavy cream and serve you food barefoot. This week we will feature the future cooking army standard the Roasted Vegetable Frittata. I’ve […]

Soups and Saladettes, Every once in a while, we here at the Cooking Army like to pretend that we are Earth conscious and care about the future and other peoples’ feelings. That’s right, this week, we’re going vegetarian! There will be no sissy vegetarian offerings like tofu in this meal, though. No sir! (Or ma’am […]

Folks and Folkettes, After our hiatus during the holidays, it’s time to take down the Festivus pole and start off the new year with more Cooking Army. Since winter has returned to Chicago, we hunker down for the freeze inducing chill and feast upon the hearty foods that allow the people to sunbathe in snow […]

Hey kats and kits, It’s that time of year again when you are forced to interact with your parents, your estranged drunken uncle Milton and a slew of cousins from Arkansas you barely remember.  Why not take a bit of the edge off of this forced familial contact with slices of beef so prime they […]

Thanksgiving is over, but there is another opportunity to over eat this Wednesday. This week we will be serving food, from recipes, from Jeff Smith* because someone regifted me a set of four cookbooks. As this chef is known for drinking wine, while cooking, bring the wine along. When:  Next Wednesday, November 9th.  Cooking starts […]

Howdy Kats and Kits, The weather has, once again, gone evil.  I am beginning to think Chicago is built on top of some ancient native burial ground, but I digress.  In a vain attempt at forced delusion, we at the cooking army have decided to cook food from an island paradise where roasting a whole […]