Archive for the ‘Cooking Army Events’ category

Pumpkin – 10/2/2019 – Invite

September 30th, 2019

With Autumn finally here and Halloween around the corner, I’ve decided to see what we can do with everyone’s favorite gourd: the pumpkin. From what I’ve found online, it’s a whole lot! While the “Pumpkin Chicken & Waffles” sounded interesting, I just couldn’t bring myself to violate a chicken like that… Instead, we’ll be mixing […]

Since the weather has finally changed so that we can go outside without freezing or getting rained on, it’s time to break out the grill! And we’re doing it in style with some homemade fancy stuffed burgers! You want bacon? You want BBQ? You want apples in your burger? We’ve got it. We’ll also have […]

Sorry for the mildly late invite, but I had this whole thing setup where it was warm and sunny and I was gonna open up the grill because it’s finally warm again! And then I remembered it’s Chicago and it’s gonna be in the 30’s on Wednesday. So while this means we’ll have to wait […]

Hola friends! I haven’t been particular inspired for a specific theme for this week, so instead I’ve put together a menu of things that are in-season for February and looked particularly tasty to me. Take that as you may, but I’m a little excited to try some of these… Foods! When: This Wednesday, February 20th. […]

Soups – 11/28/2018 – Invite

November 26th, 2018

With a blizzard bearing down on Chicago, we here at Cooking Army know just what you need to warm your cockles and endure the hardship that will be the next 3-4 months of Winter… Soup! Come on over, plop down on the couch by the fireplace, wrap yourself in a warm blanket, and have a […]

Hello all you crazy kids, Fall is always a weird and excessive time for our appetites. It seems like every culture that actually experiences cold has embraced the idea that we should squander our precious harvest as quickly and voraciously as possible. Perhaps we all instinctively fear the gods will grow fickle again and inflict […]

Eaters of food, For Christmas this year, I was given a new cooking utensil to add to my repertoire, a dutch oven. I’ve been looking for ways to use it over the last couple of weeks and I was given a recommendation to try and make some risotto. To which, I do not believe we […]

Hi Everybody, Just when you thought your holiday season couldn’t be any more calorie rich, it’s time for our annual festival of meat here at the cooking army. Most people who have fallen within a several mile blast radius of my loud complaining know that I typically eschew any form of tradition. So you know […]

Summer is nearly over, but I want to have one more hurrah with my grill before it goes into hibernation for the Fall/Winter. With that in mind, we’ll be chopping everything up and then putting it on the grill for your consumption, as nothing celebrates Summer quite like searing all your food with raw fire. […]

We are proud to present to you this week, a featured vegetable that doesn’t get enough love from most connoisseurs: Asparagus. We bring it to you baked, fried, and roasted. There are various other things that will accompany this delectable vegetable, but our focus is to bring you the perfect asparagus in a way you […]